Our Policies

In order to achieve sustainable success and to remove all obstacles to development, the human resources system and processes must be constantly reviewed, revised and all developments in this area must be followed. In the field of business management, policy means “a principle or set of principles that guide managers in making decisions”.

These principles guide managers in their decisions and activities, and create a general plan to achieve the determined goals.

In this context; Our policies, which are an integral element of our systematic, are as follows;

Environmental Policy

Respect for Human beings, other living creatures and environment is our main principle.

  • Continuous improvement to minimize the environmental impact of our facility,
  • Operate in a manner that protects the employees and public health and safety,
  • Effective execution based on the environmental management system, effective execution,
  • Reducing waste to a minimum, preventing pollution at the source, preventing the negative impacts of our operations by  efficient energy use,
  • Protection of natural resources,
  • Create awareness and education of our staff about the environment is determined policy.

Integrated Management System Policy

  • In order to take a place among the leading companies in the sector of Low Voltage Switchgear Production, adoption of customer oriented sales and production policy is compulsory.
  • To provide our products and services to our customers in top quality-line ;  using the necessary manpower and technology with all the employees of general participation, produce in desired time period according and optimal cost, according to our customer requirements is our priority.
  • By the help of established and effectively implemented Integrated Management System, in both post-production and shipping stages, implementation of all activities and plan for eliminating non-compliances detected by employees and  customers.
  • To comply all the legal and other requirements related to  National and International Quality, Environment, Occupational health safety and ensure continuous improvement.
  • To implement all the necessary precautions to create healthy and safe environment continuously   for the company, customers and employees.
  • To plan the necessary institutionalization studies in order to provide both customer and employee satisfaction.
  • To arrange training sessions about Integrated Management System and compulsory participation of all our staff.
  • Cooperation of all employees for monitoring integrated management system by the help of an internal audition system has been identified as policy.

OHS Policy

  • To inform all our employees about health and safety issues and maintain suitable working environment,
  • To ensure the necessary safety issues in the work environment by examining all kinds of risk analysis,
  • To maintain Occupational Health and Safety requirements in order to create the business performance of our staff in the framework of participation,
  • Occupational Health and Safety is our culture of continuous improvement in order to achieve zero accidents at work objectives,
  • Constantly taking precautions to reduce the risk of emergency situations,
  • To create awareness for all our employees to prevent work accidents and occupational diseases
  • To raise awareness of our staff about  OHS training is determined policy.

Ethics Policy

Our company, which has chosen the way of Honest Trade since its establishment, is committed to maintaining the same policy without compromising, maintaining its honest image and ensuring that this policy is also implemented by its employees.

Managers and employees apply these fundamental values ​​in all their relationships and jobs,

  • Principles of honesty, trust, consistency, long-term relationship and respect for mutual interests are observed in relations with individuals and institutions,
  • We provide accurate, complete and understandable information to regulatory institutions and organizations in a timely manner,
  • We do not give or accept gifts, products that exceed bribes or intent,
    In our commercial activities, T.C. we execute within the framework of laws and international law,
  • Employees cannot obtain personal gain and benefit from purchasing and selling activities,
  • We take care to fulfill the rights of the employees arising from the provisions of the legislation to which they are subject, in a timely and complete manner,
  • To treat employees honestly and fairly and not to discriminate (language, religion, region, race, gender, age, etc.)
  • In our human resources policy; Pays attention to being fair in recruitment, promotion, transfer, rotation, remuneration and rewarding practices,
  • Not to act contrary to human dignity and personal rights towards employees, not to allow them to be treated,
  • To ensure that employees’ personal rights are used fully and correctly,
  • Our company acts in line with social benefit and respect for the environment,
  • Provides legal, reliable and timely service in order to ensure and sustain customer satisfaction,
  • We carefully protect the confidential information of the people and organizations we do business with by adhering to the contracts,
  • We compete in legal and ethical rules and avoid unfair competition.

Ethical Policy Elements

  • Freedom of employment
  • Freedom of association
  • Safe and healthy working conditions
  • Creating equal opportunities
  • Fair wage distribution
  • Employee development
  • Customer happiness
  • Complying with legal standards
  • Honesty and impartiality
  • Dignity and trust
  • Informing the competent authorities
  • Complying with the savings principleCompany personnel or any third parties are required to report or report violations of ethical policies and applicable laws to senior management. No staff will face any sanctions for bona fide reporting of suspected violations. Senior management takes the necessary action in line with the evaluation. Disciplinary action is taken for unfounded reporting and misconduct.

Purchasing Policy

Star Elektrik Pano; It adopts sustainable cooperation with suppliers that can meet customer needs in accordance with our general policies and specifications at a quality and at any time, respect the environment, open to innovations and developments, and add value to our processes and products.